Friday, December 30, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I am an art history major. Let me say, it was a journey getting there. All throughout high school I always declared that I would be an english major. Or a journalism major. In high school I was so obsessed with the materialist world of fashion, and was desperate to walk the hallways of the Vogue offices in New York City. I wanted to witness fashion shows first hand and write endlessly about them. Don't get me wrong, I still pay attention to the fashion world, just not as much.

My first year of college, I was undecided, but leaning towards a communication major. My new dream was to endure the long winters of Syracuse University, because it is one of the top communications schools in the country. I became obsessed with researching the school and figuring out how exactly I was going to get in.

Then, in the summer after that first year, I realized how much I adored art. I was always a person who admired art to a great extend and because I envy and realize the talent and individuality in every piece, I think I can appreciate it that much more. My first experience to the Getty was magical. My family & I decided to take an afternoon and grace the Getty halls. I read the descriptions to every painting, often slugging behind my family who gave the artworks a second of their time and headed on. But I wanted to admire and take the artwork in. I wanted to learn more about them.

I realize that art history may not be a suitable or reasonable major, but I know what I want to do and I will accomplish that goal. I will receive my masters in art history (I am unsure in what area I want to emphasize my expertise) and will work as a curator in a renown museum. I want to be able to handle artwork and beam at them everyday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty. What is beauty? Conventional beauty, in my opinion, in a woman includes the high standard of a good size of breasts, long free-flowing hair, an intoxicating scent, curvy thighs and of course, a stunning face.

Let me tell you which one of these qualities I am blessed with--none. I have fairly small breasts (which I love), short and dead hair which has been dyed too many times, I cannot say what my scent is but I very seldom wash my hair, I have thin legs and my face consists of braced teeth and ill eyes.

I love everything about myself, though. Maybe except for the fact that I am an (almost) twenty-year old with braces. I am fair in judgement and my taste in hobbies can be described as agreeable. I try to keep myself culturally inclined and aware of our surrounding events. I read until my eyes bleed and grace my ears with euphonic sounds. I am inspired by those who so willingly spill their hearts out through lyrics, strokes or movements. I wish I could be a musician. I wish I could be a painter. I wish I could be a ballerina.

Alas, I still adore my outlook in love, my thoughts and ideas, and my ability to see beauty in anything. I am beautiful.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Currently in my life (the good things).

I started my first as a volunteer at the Cooper Center, which is part of CSUF, in Santa Ana. It's a small warehouse-type of place, but it's definitely neat. There were a few volunteers (an elderly woman (who I failed to catch her name), a dude named Steve and a girl who's name I can't remember. I'm usually terribly good with names, I feel horrible. Anyways, they are all over 21, and it makes me feel so young. But they were polite and friendly and I look forward to working with them.

This Tuesday I also started volunteering at the public library. It was actually my training day, and the lady who showed me around, Cathy, was so so lovely. She is quirky and too kind, and I love that I can be working around books. I will also have the opportunity to design library displays, which I am very excited about! I learned the Dewey System pretty quickly and I hope to learn a lot from the ladies and gentlemen at the La Habra Public Library.

Monday, December 6th, is the day I register for Spring 2012. I am a bit under stress because I am rather confused and indecisive on how many classes I'd like to enroll in. I'd like to get a job, but I would also like to volunteer more. My schedule should revolve around 2-3 days a week, so I have more time to work/volunteer. But I'm conflicted because there is a Gallery/Exhibition course I would just love to take but unfortunately doesn't count for transfer units, is three hours long and meets twice a week. That would be a problem..anyways, I'll figure out something that I'm comfortable with and will look forward to my spring semester.

I should get back to Geography now. x

Hello again, dear friend.

It's definitely safe to say that keeping up with my writing has become quite difficult. This semester has been jam-packed with mountains of assignments, restless nights and continuous studying. I hope it'll all be worth it in the end. This feels good. Writing down all my feelings, taking a break from World War II and volcanic ash (yes, I am taking U.S History & Geography).

It's frustrating to think that my habits and attitude of high school followed me to my first year of college. I continued to spend more time with boyfriends (bleck! I know), shopping or watching television when I should have been hard at work. Now, fulfilling the task of being an actual studious college student, it has taken a toll on me. I constantly have my nose in a book or my eyes glued to class notes.

Anyways, I really don't want to be a damper on this day and would like to recall current joys ofe my life. Which, I will do, right after I study the different types of volcanoes. Au Revoir.