Friday, January 6, 2012

I am sitting here constantly denying in my head that I am indeed constrained to a technology loop. Instead of writing in a journal, using my own hands, my own movements, to create a flowing thought in written words, I am using my thumbs to click and tap on pre-developed letters in a tiny screen of an iPhone.

I own an iPhone, Mac laptop, iPod and there is a black Samsung flat screen hung so carefully in my bedroom wall.

Instead of delicately flipping through the large encyclopedias that my parents so thoughtfully purchased in the 90s for my education, I type on the server and search "Bob Dylan" on the search bar and bam..there's all the information I need. It seems we have it so much simpler than our parents did, but indeed we still figure out a way to accumulate a large pile of problems. We procrastinate on papers and wait until the very last minute to read an assigned book. Why? I don't know. I can't say.

Anyways, I'm not too sure where I'm going with this post. I never do. All I'm saying is that technology is taking over our lives. I admit I am a slave to technology. We think that things are getting better with technology, but they're not. We still have problems. We always will. Technology does not help a famine, or protect endangered species. We think it might, but in the end, it won't. I sound morbid as fuck.

When I do not want to talk to someone, I put y earphones on. When I am nervous, I pretend to text on my phone.

Kindles, Nooks, iPads. Read the written print. What's so wrong with purchasing a book and carelessly flipping through the pages, smelling that new book smell (or old, if you buy used books like me). The opportunity to write in the margins, to highlight, to have a conversation with the book. Now, I have to admit that I seldom do this. I like to have a flow through my reading, but I truly believe that actively reading a book, is a great way to understand it better.

As I type this, I am listening to the Smiths. I am not ashamed to have iTunes, or an iPod. I love that music is so easily obtained these days. I wish I had the money to support the band I adore so much. I am terribly with actually purchasing music. I read somewhere that Robin Pecknold, the lead singer of Fleet Foxes, supported file-sharing websites. I thought that was humorous, and admire him for saying that. I wonder how many people actually purchase music.

I guess this post is about technology, I'm not sure.

I'd just like I think that I have a voice, something important to say.

Sent from my iPhone---notice that I e-mailed this myself after typing it on my iphone. I sometimes disgust myself.

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