Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today after volunteering I was in the kitchen with my sister, getting something for lunch. We usually eat in our bedroom because we are antisocial and our grandparents are always in the living room or kitchen, but we decided to eat in the kitchen table for once.

I was eating my favorite fried chicken with rice while my sister ate a cup noodle soup. I was about to take a bite when my grandfather asks, "Can I ask you guys a questions?" (This, of course, is in Spanish). My sister has a blank stare, as she doesn't understand much spanish. I nod. "Would you want to learn more about God?"

My sister, brother & I were all baptized Catholics. We occasionally showed up to Sunday mass, but were always suggested to pray. I remember attending a few masses, and hating them. Whenever my parents spoke the words, "let's go to church," a groan always followed by my siblings and I.

Parents take their children to church from a very young age. But how many of them actually understand? I don't understand, neither am I interested to. During high school, when people asked what religion I was, I casually said Catholic, although I never really knew what that meant.

Catholicism, Protestants, Jews, Islams, Buddhists--how do they differ? Who am I suppose to believe?

I am afraid to question God. Why? I pray quickly to Him when I am scared. I picture what He might look like.

I read Facebook status' by friends who quote God and thank Him for everything that He has done. They thank Him for their blessed lives, or they quote an excerpt from the Bible. One girl writes, "Friday, I am partying, Saturday, I'm going to a rave and Sunday is church!" Is this girl mentally challenged? The three do not seem to go together to me.

I answer my grandfather, after much hesitation with an "I don't know." But he exclaims that I do know, that there is no "I don't know." I say it's complicated. I question the thought of one ultimate religion, which he believes is Catholicism. He continues with a story that I'm not too familiar with. I don't know what to say.

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